日時:2010年1月8日(金) 15時00分 場所:N研会議室 (C-507) 講師:江成祐二 (Universites Paris VI and VII, France) 題目:Search for Standard Model Higgs boson at Tevatron 概要:Exciting searches on Standard Model Higgs boson is going with pbar p collisions at the Fermilab Tevatron at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV. I'll discuss recent analyses on SM Higgs boson searches for SM Higgs mass range from 100 GeV to 200 GeV with integrated luminosity with 2.1-5.4 fb-1 mainly from Dzero collaboration. Also I’ll report the result of Tevatron combination on the SM higgs search which was released October 2009, which indicates the exclusion of SM Higgs on the mass range from 163 GeV to 166 GeV at 95% C.L. Based on latest results, future prospect will be discussed. |
名古屋大学 タウ・レプトン物理研究センターNagoya University Tau-Lepton Physics Research Center |
〒464-8602 名古屋市千種区不老町 名古屋大学大学院理学研究科Phone:052-789-2902 Fax:052-782-5752 |
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