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Workshop "New Developments of Flavor Physics" 2009

Dates: March 9th and 10th, 2009
Place: Tennomaru, Aichi, Japan
Sposored by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas : "New Developments of Flavor Physics"

The goal of the Workshop "New Developments of Flavor Physics" is to discuss the recent progress and the future developments of flavor physics. In the workshop, leading flavor physisists in K, B, tau, top quark and neutrino physics discuss the new developments of flavor physics based on the latest experimental results. We also discuss about theoretical developments of the Standard Model and the physics beyond the SM.

March 9th 13:30-18:00 (13:00- Registration)
March 10th 9:00-15:00

For more information, please contact Kenji Inami(Nagoya University, kenji[AT]