Thank you very much for participating Hadron Physics Symposium!
The symposium has been successfully finished!
The symposium has been successfully finished!
There have been much progress in hadron physics in the past years, driven by
recent discoveries of many exotic states, which cannot be described by the
conventional meson and baryon pictures.Furthermore, in coming years, exciting results are expected from new experimental
facilities under construction and upgrade of existing ones, such as SuperKEKB,
LEPS2 and J-PARC in Japan and LHC, J-Lab, and RHIC.
In order to sum up these achievements and overlook the field,
"Hadron Physics Symposium" will be held as bellow.
Date:April Thursday 17th - Saturday 19th, 2014
Place:Nagoya University Higashiyama-campus. ES Hall, ES Building 1st floor
Sessions will consist of invited review talks and posters on the following topics.
- Hadron spectroscopy at e+e- colliders
- Hadron spectroscopy using photon beams
- Hadron spectroscopy using hadron beams
- Hadron spectroscopy using heavy-ion colliders
- Hadron properties in nuclear medium
- Prospect at future facilities
- Recent theoretical development
- Progress in lattice QCD
- Hadrons in string theories
- Connection to other fields (astrophysics, condensed matter physics,…)
- Others
Project Managing Group of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative
Areas "Elucidation of New Hadrons with a Variety of Flavors"
Contact :
If you have any questions please ask to
recent discoveries of many exotic states, which cannot be described by the
conventional meson and baryon pictures.Furthermore, in coming years, exciting results are expected from new experimental
facilities under construction and upgrade of existing ones, such as SuperKEKB,
LEPS2 and J-PARC in Japan and LHC, J-Lab, and RHIC.
In order to sum up these achievements and overlook the field,
"Hadron Physics Symposium" will be held as bellow.
Date:April Thursday 17th - Saturday 19th, 2014
Place:Nagoya University Higashiyama-campus. ES Hall, ES Building 1st floor
Sessions will consist of invited review talks and posters on the following topics.
- Hadron spectroscopy at e+e- colliders
- Hadron spectroscopy using photon beams
- Hadron spectroscopy using hadron beams
- Hadron spectroscopy using heavy-ion colliders
- Hadron properties in nuclear medium
- Prospect at future facilities
- Recent theoretical development
- Progress in lattice QCD
- Hadrons in string theories
- Connection to other fields (astrophysics, condensed matter physics,…)
- Others
Project Managing Group of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative
Areas "Elucidation of New Hadrons with a Variety of Flavors"
Contact :
If you have any questions please ask to