Four students reported the research results at Flavor Physics Workshop 2020, held online from Nov. 24th to Nov. 27th, 2020. The presentation slides by N-lab students can be checked from the links below. (All of them are in Japanese.)
Kazumichi Sumi, "
Simulation study of beam transportation in the test beam line at KEK"
Shunki Hara, "
Development of particle identification algorithm with neural network for Belle II TOP counter"
Kokoro Maehara, "
Feasibility study of TOP counter with SiPM for Belle II upgrade"
Ryogo Okubo, "
Study of gas multiplication of GasPM, a new photodetector"
Online presentation at the workshop
(Starting on the top-left, you see reports by Mr. Sumi, Mr. Hara, Mr.Maehara and Mr. Okubo.)
Among the presenters of research reports in this workshop, Mr. Sumi was selected as a winner of the Best Talk Award. Congratulations!