In recent years, particle physics experiments have developed into advanced research activities that utilize large-scale machines. The Belle II experiment and the ATLAS experiment are international collaborations of roughly 900 and 3000 scientists, respectively. However, the unique ideas of each individual scientist is what drives the originality of these researches. At N Lab, we prioritize researches based on ideas of the individuals to promote detector R&D and physics analyses.
Graduate students will first work mainly on detector R&D projects during their master course, to develop their hardware skills that are essential for experimentalists. Later during their PhD course, they will work on experimental data analyses and aim to achieve leading physics results. We strengthen presentation skills to explain ideas and research details, and problem-solving skills to incorporate self-thinking and discussions with peers. These skills are important for the future careers of the students, regardless of their path. Undergraduate students, graduate students, and several post-docs belong to N Lab, and graduate students play a central role.
Our recent activities include: the branching ratio measurement of B mesons decaying into tau leptons, new resonance searches with charm quarks at the Belle experiment, and the search for supersymmetric top quark at the ATLAS experiment. Our activities also include: R&D related to the TOP counter and Aerogel RICH detectors, R&D of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer, and building a data analysis system using state-of-the-art computer technologies. Research subjects of the students are decided based on discussions with staffs and emphasizing interests of each student.
Recent masters' and PhD theses can be found here:
Students who have completed their courses have proceeded to various careers, including academic research institutes, business corporations, and educational institutions such as high schools. Many of them work abroad.If you are interested in joining our group as a graduate student, you should contact us before visiting our group. There is an information session of our graduate school, held every June, that you could also join.
About our graduate school, see: