The selection committee for the Belle II Achievement Award announced the winners in 2021, and Yuki Sue received the award. The Belle II Achievement Award is given to collaborators who establish outstanding achievements in areas such as detector systems, software development, computing development, and other activities. Winners are selected yearly. The first selection was made this year, and six Belle II collaborators were awarded.
Mr. Sue's achievement featured in this award is "Development of the event timing finder logic in the level 1 trigger." The selection committee explained the reasons for the award as follows:
Yuki Sue has succeeded to develop the event timing finder (ETF) logic in the level 1 trigger. He improved the existing logic significantly based on the innovative idea of using charged track information to remove background hits. He implemented the new logic (ETF2) in UT3 and UT4 boards and succeeded to demonstrate good timing resolution in collision data. His achievement benefits a wide area of the Belle II experiment and well deserves to receive the Belle II Achievement Award.
He shows his pleasure with the following comments.
Yuki Sue