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N-lab members reported their research results at the B1 Heavy Flavor and Dark Matter Joint Unit Symposium

B1 Heavy Flavor and Dark Matter Joint Unit Symposium was held at Nagoya University on March 29th-30th, 2023. This is a joint unit symposium of the World Research Unit for Heavy Flavor Particle Physics and the International research unit for innovative dark matter search. The research results were presented from both units focusing on heavy flavor particle physics with accelerator experiments and dark matter search with non-accelerator experiments. Prof. Toru Iijima provided the opening talk and four members reported the research results. The presentation materials can be found on the links below.

Kodai Matsuoka "Photodetection with precision timing"
Qi-Dong Zhou "Status and prospect for R(D) and R(D*) at Belle II"
Peter Krizan "Overview of Belle II upgrade"
Yuki Sue "Status and prospect of R measurements at Belle II"


